I Jerusalem arresterades en ung palestinsk man i Gamla stan efter att han drog fram en kniv när polisen ville granska hans identitet. Därmed kunde en terrorattack undvikas.
I närheten av centrala busstationen i Jerusalem knivhögg en arabisk man en israelisk soldat, soldaten skadades men lyckades tillsammans med tillskyndande säkerhetsvakter övermanna angriparen.
I närheten av Nablus anföll två terrorister israeliska soldater, två soldater skadades och terroristerna sköts.
Israeliska regeringens pressbyrå har reagerat på hur CNN och CBS rapporterade om onsdagens terrorattack vid Jaffa porten.
Vid attacken dödades två israeler och en skadades, de två palestinska angriparna dödades också.
CNN hade rubriken “Four die in violent stabbing at Jaffa Gate”.
CBS hade inledningsvis följande rubrik: “2 Palestinians killed after stabbing
attack in Jerusalem.”
Nitzan Chen från GPO skrev till CNN:“We believe that combining the two murderers with the two victims into
‘four dead’ is not only dishonest and unethical journalism, but also
borders on incitement, since the viewer can easily misinterpret it,” he
wrote, according to the Ynet news website.
CBS rubrik kommenterade han på följande sätt:
“We cannot think of a worse example of anti-Israel bias than the unfortunate headline that appeared on your website yesterday, even if it was only for a short time.
“We cannot think of a worse example of anti-Israel bias than the unfortunate headline that appeared on your website yesterday, even if it was only for a short time.
“The first headline is clearly turning the
murderers into victims in the most inflammatory way possible,” he wrote.
“There can be no justification for this. Beyond the immediate risk it
poses to Israelis against possible Arab revenge attacks, it is simply
dishonest and unethical journalism.”
New York Times misslyckades också med att förmedla vad som hänt, tidningen lyckades vända på händelseförloppet i rubriksättningen (palestinierna dödades, israelerna dog) :
“2 Palestinian attackers killed, 2 Israelis die in Jerusalem.”
“2 Palestinian attackers killed, 2 Israelis die in Jerusalem.”
PMW ger 15 exempel på hur de palestinska myndigheterna och Fatah hedrat minnet av barnamördaren Samir Kuntar som dödades senaste vecka i Damaskus.
Samir Kuntar is a Lebanese terrorist
who in 1969 infiltrated Israel and murdered four Israelis. Kuntar
murdered his youngest victim, four-year-old Einat Haran, by repeatedly
smashing her head with his rifle butt.
being released from Israeli prison in 2006, Kuntar joined Hezbollah and
was planning terror attacks against Israel when he was killed in Syria
last week.
Child-killer Kuntar is the newest Palestinian Authority-Fatah superhero.
The following are 15 statements by PA and Fatah officials glorifying Kuntar and his “heroic” act of murder:
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