För bara någon dag sedan meddelades från Iran att en kvinna dömts till döden genom stening.
Mänskorättsaktivister är bekymrade över att västländerna nu är så ivriga att upprätta handelsrelationer med Iran trots att landet inte visar någon respekt för mänskliga rättigheter.
Finland fick ett stort utrymme i Jerusalem Post artikel om situationen i Iran eftersom en stor delegation från Finland besöker Iran under ledning av utrikeshandelsminister Lenita Toivakka.
" Julie Lenarz, Executive Director of the Human Security Center in the United Kingdom, told the Post, “Whether or not one supports the nuclear deal with Iran,
it is astonishing that the West cultivates an ever-closer alliance with
a theocratic regime widely known for its abysmal human rights record
and aggressive behavior in the region. They hang men for the ‘crime’ of
writing poems; or engaging in peaceful protest; or loving someone of the
same sex.”
She noted, “Women are stoned for being raped and Iranian law even allows for juvenile executions. Iran is averaging three hangings per day at the moment and remains a pariah state with no regard for human life. In a despicable form of moral myopia, the gold rush for business, as the international sanctions regime begins to unravel, has made Western governments blind to the suffering of ordinary Iranians at the hands of the Ayatollahs.”
She noted, “Women are stoned for being raped and Iranian law even allows for juvenile executions. Iran is averaging three hangings per day at the moment and remains a pariah state with no regard for human life. In a despicable form of moral myopia, the gold rush for business, as the international sanctions regime begins to unravel, has made Western governments blind to the suffering of ordinary Iranians at the hands of the Ayatollahs.”
" Separately, The Islamic Republic News Agency reported Tuesday on a communications technology meeting between Finland and Iran.
“ICT cooperation between Iran and Finland will increase in the areas of software as well as research and development,”Mahmoud Vaezi, Iran’s minister for Information and Communications Technology, said following his meeting with Finland’s Foreign Trade Minister Lenita Toivakka
According to the IRNA report, “He welcomed Finland's achievements in the field of ICT including the Nokia company and expressed the hope that Iran can use the experiences to develop its ICT sector.”
In 2008, the Post reported that the then joint Finnish-German company Nokia-Siemens sold surveillance technology to Iran’s government. The technology was used a year later to stifle internet, Twitter and mobile communications among demonstrators during widespread protests against a reportedly fraudulent presidential election."
“ICT cooperation between Iran and Finland will increase in the areas of software as well as research and development,”Mahmoud Vaezi, Iran’s minister for Information and Communications Technology, said following his meeting with Finland’s Foreign Trade Minister Lenita Toivakka
According to the IRNA report, “He welcomed Finland's achievements in the field of ICT including the Nokia company and expressed the hope that Iran can use the experiences to develop its ICT sector.”
In 2008, the Post reported that the then joint Finnish-German company Nokia-Siemens sold surveillance technology to Iran’s government. The technology was used a year later to stifle internet, Twitter and mobile communications among demonstrators during widespread protests against a reportedly fraudulent presidential election."
" The Finish Foreign Ministry website for wrote “Toivakka will make a Team
Finland visit to Iran on 7–10 December 2015. She will be accompanied by
a delegation of 70 representatives of Finnish companies. The members of
the delegation represent companies in the fields of bioeconomy,
environmentally clean technologies, ICT and construction.”
"The visit offers an excellent opportunity for us to present leading-edge Finnish expertise in several sectors on the emerging Iranian markets,” Toivakka said"
"The visit offers an excellent opportunity for us to present leading-edge Finnish expertise in several sectors on the emerging Iranian markets,” Toivakka said"
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