Men det som rapporteras som en skada kan betyda att en person blir invalid för livet.
Vid terrorattacken igår var ett av offren en liten baby. Enligt tidningsuppgifter har man varit tvungen att amputera barnets ena fot. "Bara en skadad".
En annan av gårdagens offer med bara "moderata skador" ligger på intensivvårdsavdelning kopplad till respirator.
En av reportrarna på Jerusalem Post råkade befinna sig på platsen och skriver att en av de saker som slog honom var att många människor som inte var direkt inblandade i terrorattacken och som inte hade någon koppling till offren, trots det stod på platsen med tårdränkta ansikten.
En eller två skadade, det kan i verkligheten betyda oerhört många tårar...
"... Returning to The Jerusalem Post offices, I remained struck by one thing in particular.
Though they had no connection with what had taken place or to the victims of the attack, many of those standing next to the site nevertheless remained in floods of tears.
Even an hour later, teary faces continued to stream out of Herzl Blvd; the site of the attack may have been cordoned off, but there was no distance from the fresh memories that will likely linger for a long time."
Though they had no connection with what had taken place or to the victims of the attack, many of those standing next to the site nevertheless remained in floods of tears.
Even an hour later, teary faces continued to stream out of Herzl Blvd; the site of the attack may have been cordoned off, but there was no distance from the fresh memories that will likely linger for a long time."
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