tisdag 1 december 2015

Den palestinska dödskulten

Den palestinska ministern som har ansvar för kvinnofrågor, Haifa Al-Agha,prisar det unika med den palestinska kvinnan. Det som gör den palestinska kvinnan unik och skiljer henne från alla andra kvinnor i världen är att hon när hon får höra att hennes son dött martyrdöden jublar av glädje.

"Minister of Women's Affairs Haifa Al-Agha, stated that the ministry is working toward forcing Israel to implement international [UN Security Council] resolution 1325, which guarantees protection of women and children during conflicts...
She noted the Palestinian woman's uniqueness, which differentiates her from the women of the world, as [only] she receives the news of her son's Martyrdom with cries of joy.
She added that the Palestinian girls and women have proven their ability to contribute to their homeland, and that they have a significant presence in the field and battle arenas."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 7, 2015]

Mahmoud Abbas har inte fördömt ett enda av de mord som palestinierna har utfört på judar de senaste månaderna. Förklaringen verkar vara att han anser att mord på judar är fredligt motstånd.
Terrorism i Frankrike, Ryssland, Libanon och Jordanien fördömer han nog.

Mahmoud Abbas: Murdering Israelis is "popular peaceful uprising"  (PMW)

The following are longer excerpts of Abbas’ statements:
Official PA TV News broadcast
Excerpt from PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ speech at the Palestine Prize ceremony
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: “No one called for this uprising (i.e., Oct. - Nov. 2015 terror campaign) and no one asked for it. It stemmed from the hearts of the young who have seen everything with their own eyes. They have seen the oppression, the settlements and they have seen the attacks by the herds of settlers, and therefore they have done what they have done (i.e., 14 killed by stabbings and shootings). We said to everyone that we want peaceful popular uprising, and that’s what this is. That’s what this is. However, the aggression of firing bullets has come from the Israelis.”
[Official PA TV, Nov. 16, 2015]

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