Jag skrev i går att Mahmoud Abbas lever i en fantasivärld. Med historieförfalskning försöker han och andra ledare vilseleda hela den palestinska befolkningen. Enligt den information som sprids har judarna ingen historia i landet.Det finns ingen koppling varken historisk eller religiös.
Här följer några exempel från PMW:
PA: Jews have no history in "Palestine"
- Trump's decision on Jerusalem "aligned with the false Zionist narrative...
Israeli archaeologists have searched for the last 70 years
and have not found a single archaeological remnant
related to the...Temple or... to Jews in Palestine in general"
-PA TV: There is "no documentation" the Western Wall was ever a "place of worship" for Jews before the Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917
-Abbas' advisor: "[The Jews have] no connection to this land, not religiously or historically"
- PA minister: "Israel's claims regarding the finding of Jewish antiquities are a clear falsification of the city [of Jerusalem's] history"
- PLO official: Jewish historical ties to the land are "a Zionist invention;" Jews are in "Palestine" only because "Europe wanted to get rid of them"
- PA TV: "The Judaization of Jerusalem ... [is the] attempts... to erase the Arab Islamic identity and change the Arab Islamic characteristics... of Jerusalem and to stamp it with a new fictional character that is called the Jewish character"
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