"Three Martyrs for three Israelis [killed].
This is a great thing," says senior Fatah official (PMW)
Abbas Zaki: "We are proudly following the events in the West Bank.
The young Palestinians are avenging a blood vengeance
- three Martyrs for three Israelis [killed]. This is a great thing"
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Last week, a terrorist shot and murdered 2 Israelis and seriously wounded 2 others in a shooting attack next to Givat Assaf, near Ramallah. The terrorist fled the scene and as of Dec. 20, 2018, has not been apprehended.
Responding to these murders, senior Fatah official Abbas Zaki said it was "a great thing." Applying a twisted logic, Zaki indicated that this terrorist shooting was legitimate "blood vengeance" for Palestinians killed by Israel. However, he did not differentiate between deaths of innocent Israelis targeted by terrorists and the deaths of the terrorists who had murdered Israelis and were killed during Israel's attempt to capture them:
"We are proudly following the events in the West Bank. The young Palestinians are avenging a blood vengeance - three Martyrs (Shahids) for three Israelis. This is a great thing."
[SHMS News Agency, Dec. 13, 2018; official Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki, Dec. 13, 2018;
official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 16, 2018]
The "three Martyrs" are the terrorist murderers Ashraf Na'alwa, who murdered two of his Israeli coworkers in Barkan, and Saleh Barghouti who murdered a baby and wounded 7 others near Ofra. They were both killed while resisting arrest. The third "Martyr" is possibly terrorist Majdi Mteir who was killed while committing a stabbing attack. (See notes below.)
The three Israeli victims referred to by Zaki are probably the baby Amiad Yisrael Ish-Ran who died three days after he was born prematurely by emergency c-section after his mother was shot and critically wounded, and the two victims from Givat Assaf.
Palestinian Media Watch has documented that Fatah has glorified these murderers and the PA has - as is their policy - presented them as victims of "Israeli executions."
The PA issued a generic condemnation of the "unacceptable wave of violence," for which it blamed Israel. The PA took no responsibility for the terror attacks despite its constant glorification of terror and Fatah's promotion of violence, nor did it specifically condemn the murder of Israelis: ...
Här följer ett annat exempel:
Arabiska journalister som arbetar i Europa besökte i tisdags Israels parlament. Den palestinska myndigheten var snabb med att fördöma besöket. Palestinierna avvisar alla former av media normalisering med israeliska ockupationen, vilket de anser vara ett oacceptabelt brott.
Palestinierna krävde också att Arabiska Journalist Unionen skall vidta stränga åtgärder mot journalisterna. Journalisterna arbetar som sagt i Europa och härstammar från Egypten,Algeriet,Libanon och Marocko.
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