söndag 3 januari 2010

Den moderata palestinska ledningen

Bild: Palestinian Media Watch Dalal Mughrabi, hjältarnas hjälte enligt Fatahs talesman.

Under palestinske presidenten Mahmoud Abbas beskydd firades senaste vecka terroristen Dalal Mughrabis 50-årsdag. Hon var ledare för en av de värsta terroristattackerna mot Israel (1978). I attacken dödades 37 civila, när en buss kapades.

I Ramallah hedrades Mughrabi genom att ett torg uppkallades efter henne, "Dalal Mughrabi Square".

Palestinian Media Watch rapporterar:

"This week Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas once again honored the memory of the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi - this time by sponsoring a ceremony celebrating the 50th anniversary of her birth. Mughrabi led the worst terror attack in Israel's history in 1978, when she and other terrorists hijacked a bus and killed 37 civilians. Present at the ceremony were Palestinian dignitaries and a children's marching band. Earlier this year, Abbas sponsored a computer center named after Mughrabi.
The PA further glorified Mughrabi on the date of her birth when the Governor of Ramallah announced the naming of the "Dalal Mughrabi Square".An article by Fatah spokesman Jamal Nazal in the official PA daily defined the terrorist Mughrabi as "the heroine of Palestine's heroines."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 30, 2009

The text on the giant banner carrying Mughrabi's portrait at the birthday ceremony read:"Under the auspices of President Mahmoud AbbasThe Political and National Education AuthorityCeremony on the anniversary of the birth of the bride of the cosmosThe Shahida (Martyr) Dalal Mughrabi."

Two PA TV news broadcasts focused on the celebration:"Under the auspices of President Mahmoud Abbas, the Political and National Education Authority held a ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the Shahida (Martyr) Dalal Mughrabi, commander of the Coastal Operation (i.e. hijacking of bus and killing of 37 civilians)."
[PA TV (Fatah), Dec. 29, 2009
Palestinierna och Jordanien kräver Dödahavsrullarna
En del av Dödahavsrullarna har varit utlånade för att ställas ut i Canada. Palestinierna säger att rullarna är en del av det palestinska arvet och har krävt att utställningen skall stängas och rullarna beslagtas tills en internationell domstol har fastställt äganderätten.
"Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor called Jordan's claim ridiculous.
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are an intrinsic part of Jewish heritage and religion. The scrolls have no relation to Jordan or the Jordanian people," said Palmor.
"Moreover, Jordan's occupation of the West Bank was never recognized by the international community and the kingdom relinquished all claims on the territories back in the '80s. On what grounds are they trying to lay claims to the scrolls, which are a cornerstone of Jewish cultural history?"

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