torsdag 30 januari 2014

Abbas rådgivare prisar gårdagens terrorist

The scene of the terrorist attack near Ateret, January 29, 2014 (IDF blogg)
I går på förmiddagen öppnade en palestinier, Muhammad Mubarak, eld mot civila fordon och en armépostering nära Ateret nordost om Ramallah.
Israeliska soldater besvarade elden och dödade mannen.
Terrorist Opens Fire at Israeli Civilians and Soldiers

En terrorattack bland många andra men notera vad Mahmoud Abbas rådgivare och medlemmen i Fatahs centralkommitté Sultan Abu Al-Einein skrev på sin Facebooksida.
 Han prisar Mubarak som en hjältemodig martyr som nu stigit upp till paradiset i himlen.

"With the most exalted expressions of honor and pride and with symbols of Jihad and resistance, we part with piety from our heroic Martyr (Shahid) Muhammad Mahmoud Mubarak from the resolute Jalazone refugee camp, who ascended to Heaven as a Martyr in the battlefield while challenging the Zionist enemy. We ask Allah to grant mercy on our Martyr and give forbearance and solace to his family and relatives.
To the eternal Paradise, oh our heroic Martyr."
Facebook page of Advisor to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on NGOs
and member of the Fatah Central Committee, Sultan Abu Al-Einein,
Jan. 29, 2014

 Abbas' advisor who praised murderer now calls shooting terrorist "heroic Martyr" (PMW)
The weapon of the terrorist (IDF blogg)

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