Samtidigt som FN organet UNESCO inhiberat en utställning som beskriver judarnas koppling till Israels land har FN inlett firandet av "FN:s år för solidaritet med det palestinska folket" och i FN högkvarteret finns det en palestinsk utställning.
Till FN:s fördel måste man säga att man är konsekvent när det gäller Israel - Palestina frågan: Israel och judarna skall demoniseras och bekämpas medan palestinierna är de oskyldiga offren som skall stödas på alla sätt.
Anne Bayefski säger det på ett annat sätt (fritt översatt):
"Den ovanliga UNESCO utställningen inställdes av samma orsak som palestinsk hatpropaganda stöds i FN. Antisemitism är det normala inom FN."
I den diplomatiska ordväxlingen mellan Israel och EU konstaterade EU:s ambassadör Lars Faaborg-Andersen att han inte anser att EU är obalanserad i sin inställning till Israel och palestinierna.
Israels PM Netanyahu hade tidigare kritiserat EU som i sin tur kritiserat Israel...
Naturligtvis anser inte EU:s representant att EU är obalanserad men vad han tycker behöver inte ha något med verkligheten att göra.
EU envoy rejects Netanyahu's claim that Europe is unfairly critical of Israel
Läs mera här:
2014, the UN Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (Jerusalem Post Anne Bayefski)
"...Last week UNESCO tore down an exhibit on the Jewish people’s ties to
the land of Israel, just before it opened to the public, because it
offended Arab states. Unfortunately, the move was only the tip of the
UN iceberg.
All visitors to UN Headquarters in New York, including school children
from across America, walk off the elevator straight into the
“Palestine” exhibit.
The UN tour’s first stop communicates malignant historical revisionism.
According to the display, Palestinians are the new Jews, having
suffered an “exodus” in 1948. Total Arab rejection of a Jewish state
(contrary to the 1947 UN partition resolution), and repeated efforts to
annihilate Israel, are not mentioned. Instead, in 1948 “the first
Arab-Israeli war breaks out.” Nor is there any apparent reason for the
“two wars” of 1967 and 1973.
The only “contravention of international law” is by Israel. The year
1987 began not a murderous campaign against Israeli civilians, but a
justifiable “Palestinian uprising.” There are triumphant photos of
Yasser Arafat, maps pre-dating modern Israel, and lots of photos of
miserable-looking Arab children. Not a Jewish victim in sight. And the
exhibit announces, there are now 11 million Palestinians worldwide.
The UN propaganda campaign against the legitimacy of Israel has now reached epidemic proportions.
On January 20, 2014 the UN organized its first Solidarity Year event
for “civil society.” In one of the UN’s main galleries, it conducted a
public screening of the film “Where should the birds fly?” and
sponsored a subsequent discussion with Palestinian filmmaker Fida
Qishta and journalist Laila El-Haddad. Here is just some of what the
film included:
Mona Samouni (age 11 or 12): “The Israeli soldiers were shooting
at the people, as if they were not human, as if they were chickens or
mice. For the Israeli army this is something without meaning. But the
victims were very precious to us, even though they didn’t consider them
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