tisdag 6 oktober 2015

Det sjuka palestinska samhället

Ett bevis på hur sjukt det palestinska samhället blivit efter att i åratal ha utsatts för hjärntvätt av dess ledare:
Bara några timmar efter att Muhannad Halabi mördat två judar i Jerusalem namngavs ett nyfött barn efter honom.
De palestinska myndigheternas nyhetsbyrå WAFA och myndigheternas dagstidning rapporterade om den glädjande händelsen.
Notera att mördaren kallas för martyr (Shahid, en hederstitel) och man påstår att det var han som mördades.

The following is the article, published by WAFA and Al-Hayat Al-Jadida: (PMW)

Headline: "Muhannad the newborn hugs Muhannad the Martyr, and the two of them unite the homeland"
"Even before the Martyr (Shahid) Muhannad Halabi was buried, the cry of a baby was heard in a hospital in the Gaza Strip, heralding the birth of a baby named Muhannad Halabi...
The parents of the baby decided to name their new son Muhannad Halabi after the Martyr Halabi from the village of El-Bireh, who was murdered by the occupation's army in occupied Jerusalem.
While still in the hospital, the mother of the baby called the mother of Martyr Halabi...
During the phone conversation, the two mothers cried from joy: The mother of the baby cried from joy at the birth of her baby, who eternalized the name of the hero among the heroes of our eternal people, and the second mother (i.e., of the terrorist) cried from joy at the birth of the baby that will eternalize the name of her son the Martyr."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 6, 2015]

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