fredag 23 oktober 2015

FN erkänner att UN Watch hade rätt

FN måste erkänna att UN Watch hade rätt, men gömmer undan rapporten.
UN Watch kräver också en ursäkt av UNRWA:s talesman Chris Gunness som försökte svartmåla UN Watch:
"Gunness famously launched into a frenzied attack on UN Watch, issuing an “appeal to journalists” to ignore what he insisted was a “non-story”:
“Appeal to journalists: please don’t turn UN Watch baseless allegations about anti-semitism into a ‘he said she said’ story. It is a non-story.”
“UN Watch makes a fool of itself … Credibility dead in water. Will anyone believe them again”?
“Interested to find out more about UN Watch’s political and financial affiliations since it establishment. Can anyone advise?”

UN “very regrettably” admits employees suspended after UN Watch report exposing incitement to anti-Semitic violence

UNWRA employees suspended for inciting violence against Israelis on Facebook

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