torsdag 1 oktober 2015

Netanyahus tal inför FN

Israels premiärminister Netanyahu har idag talat inför FN:s generalförsamling. En stor del av talet gick ut på att varna för Iran och det hot som Iran är för Israel.
Netanyahu anklagade FN för att vara tyst inför de hot som Irans ledare uttalat om att förinta Israel.
Netanyahu sa också att han var beredd att genast återuppta direkta förhandlingar med palestinierna utan några som helst förhandsvillkor för att få till stånd en tvåstatslösning.
Netanyahu uppmanade Mahmoud Abbas att ompröva sin inställning och komma till förhandlingsbordet.

Netanyahu slams UN's 'deafening silence' in face of Iranian threats to wipe out Israel (Jerusalem Post)
" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Thursday, slamming the world body for its indifference to Iranian threats to wipe Israel off the map and for encouraging Palestinian rejectionism.

Netanyahu said that the Iran deal "doesn't make peace more likely," but by giving Iran billions of dollars in sanctions relief the deal makes war more likely...
... He slammed the UN's "deafening silence" in the face of Iran's threats to wipe out Israel. The prime minister then remained silent for more than 40 seconds to emphasize his point on this silence.

"Perhaps you'd be more reluctant to celebrate," if the deal threatened your neighborhood, Netanyahu said, adding that Iran's intercontinental ballistic missiles being built were meant for the US and Europe. "For raining down mass destruction, anytime, anywhere."

No one should doubt Israel's determination to defend itself against those who threaten it with destruction, he warned.

"Your plan to destroy Israel will fail," he said, addressing  the rulers of Iran. No force on earth will threaten Israel's future. We will do whatever it takes to defend our state and our people, he added."

Netanyahus tal:
PM Netanyahu's Speech at the United Nations General Assembly


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