söndag 28 januari 2024

Julia Sebutinde, den ende domaren som helt stod upp för Israel

 Julia Sebutinde från Uganda, här har vi en självständig och modig kvinna. Hon var den enda, förutom Israels representant, som röstade mot Internationell domstolens order angående kriget i Gaza. I dagens värld är det hon gjorde närmast något man måste beskriva som unikt.

Who is Julia Sebutinde, the only ICJ judge to oppose all measures against Israel?

Julia Sebutinde, Uganda’s representative to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), has become a hero amongst Israel supporters, though her country distanced itself from her. She was among the 17 judges who deliberated on interim measures in the case concerning the Application of the Genocide Convention in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) on Friday. She uniquely voted against all proposed provisional measures, standing out as the sole permanent judge to do so, in contrast to Ad hoc Judge Aharon Barak, who opposed most but supported two.

In her dissenting view, she argued that the core of the dispute was fundamentally political, not legal, and asserted the absence of a credible indication of genocidal intent by Israel...

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