De palestinska myndigheterna säger att de fortfarande vägrar att inleda direkta förhandlingar med Israel. Israel å sin sida önskar att de indirekta förhandlingarna så fort som möjligt skall övergå i direkta förhandlingar.
Trots att det är palestinierna som vägrar förhandla beskyller de den israeliska regeringen för att den inte vill föra fredsförhandlingarna framåt.
Logik verkar inte vara palestiniernas starka sida.
PA won't agree to direct talks
Tayeb Abdel Rahim, a senior aide to Abbas, said that the Palestinians recently told US special envoy George Mitchell that Israel's request to launch direct negotiations was "unacceptable."
Palestinian Media Watch har följt med om de palestinska myndigheterna har levt upp till sina åtaganden under första månaden av de indirekta fredsförhandlingarna. Resultatet är nedslående.
Läs rapporten här:
The PA during the proximity talks, May 2010
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, on April 23, 2009:
"We will only work with a Palestinian Authority government that unambiguously and explicitly accepts the Quartet's principles:a commitment to non-violence, recognition of Israel, and acceptance of previous agreements and obligations, including the Road Map." ["Phase I of Road Map: "All official Palestinian institutions end incitement against Israel."]
Examining the Palestinian Authority leaders' statements, its education of youth, and its controlled media, it is clear that the Palestinian Authority has not complied with the conditions indicated by the Secretary of State, nor has it fulfilled its commitment to "work against incitement of any sort."
In the first month since the start of the proximity talks, not only has the PA failed to "unambiguously and explicitly" accept these conditions, but they have done the opposite: The Palestinian Authority has "unambiguously and explicitly" denied Israel's existence, incited to hatred, and glorified terror and violence.
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