tisdag 15 juni 2010

Iran prisas av FN:s mänskorättsråd

..." it is shameful that three of the ‘Worst of the Worst’ regimes now actually sit on the Council (China, Cuba and Saudi Arabia) and a fourth (Libya) was just elected,..."

Anne Bayefski beskriver i artikeln nedan hur det går till i FN:s mänskorättsråd. Iran prisas som den enda och stora demokratin i Mellanöstern där mänskliga rättigheter är på högsta nivå.
Västländerna lyckades i alla fall läsa upp en text som ställde krav på Iran vilket väckte livliga protester från de muslimska länderna.
UN rebukes Iran for rights abuses
"Western nations rebuked Iran over its human rights record Tuesday after overcoming an attempt by Iran and its Muslim allies to block the statement from being read aloud in the UN Human Rights Council."

Freedomhouse har gjort en lista på de värsta länderna när det gäller mänskliga rättigheter. Tre av de värsta staterna sitter i FN:s mänskorättsråd: Kina, Cuba och Saudi-Arabien, dessutom har Libyen nyligen blivit invald.
Iran, som alltså prisas i FN:s mänskorättsråd, får också mycket dåligt betyg av Freedomhouse, betyget är 6 ( 7 är det sämsta man kan få och 1 det bästa).
Läs Freedomhouserapporten om situationen i Iran här.

35 personer avrättade i Iran de senaste tre veckorna. Var är världens protester???

On Sunday June 6 2010, reliable human rights organization RAHANA (EN FA) reported that 26 people in Gezelhasar prison in Karaj, who had been charged with “drug-related offenses,” had been moved to solitary confinement in preparation for their imminent execution. The the lawyer of one of them has provided several names: Mohammad Jafari, Bagher Amini, Mohammad Azarfam, Mohammad Moradi, Nader Azarnoush and Mr. Soltanabadai. On the morning of June 7 2010, 13 of these 26 were executed (EN FA DE). On June 8 5 more executions were reported.
Furthermore, there has been a recent, renewed urgency around the imminent executions of several known political prisoners...

UN Human Rights Council Coddles Iran
Just as Iranians were reminded of their stolen June 2009 election and continued oppression, the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) decided to kick them while they’re down. On June 10, with the active involvement and approval of the Obama administration, the Council adopted a decision on human rights in Iran that was a sentence long and contained no condemnation whatsoever. The context was a review by the Council of Iran’s human rights record, as part of the Council’s consideration of all 192 UN states. The review featured a vigorous defense by Iranian representatives of Iran’s stellar human rights achievements, followed by Iran’s rejection of a host of “recommendations” made to improve its actual behavior. The “outcome” was a sentence identical for dictatorships and democracies alike, in which the Council merely refers to a bundle of documents containing praise, criticisms and responses without drawing any conclusion attributable to the Council itself. The incomprehensible UN decision reads: "The Human Rights Council...Adopts…the report of the Working Group on the Islamic Republic of Iran, together with the views of the Islamic Republic of Iran concerning the recommendations and/or conclusions, as well as its voluntary commitments and its replies presented before the adoption of the outcome by the plenary to questions or issues that were not sufficiently addressed during the interactive dialogue in the Working Group.”The reaction from the Obama administration was to declare victory and to manufacture something positive to say about Iran. On June 10, U.S. Ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe rushed to the UN microphones in Geneva to announce repeatedly: “I have to emphasize that we are very pleased that Iran was willing to participate at all…. In the case of Iran, we applaud the willingness to participate at all…. We’re pleased that at least they were willing to show up.”Praising Iran despite its total disregard of the fundamentals of human decency is the antithesis of the supposed liberal human rights mantra. Instead of buoying the Human Rights Council’s performance, the Obama administration is sinking with it.
Läs hela artikeln här!

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