Turkiet har de senste månaderna dödat ca 130 kurdiska rebeller, som man kallar dem. En flygattack dödade över 100 rebeller den 20 maj, attacken utfördes på irakiskt territorium.
Ingen har protesterat mot dödandet, ingen har krävt att attackerna skall utredas, ingen bryr sig överhuvudtaget om hela saken.
Det är bara när Israel är inblandad strider som världen reagerar.
Turkey says 130 Kurdish rebels killed, warns of more attacks
ANKARA (AFP) – The Turkish military said Friday that at least 130 Kurdish rebels were killed in Turkey and neighbouring northern Iraq since March, warning that violence by the militants was set to rise further.
The outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which has been leading a 25-year insurgency against Turkey, has recently stepped up its attacks, prompting the army to carry out at least two air raids and a small-scale ground incursion on rebel bases in northern Iraq.
The majority of the PKK losses came from a May 20 air strike on rebel hideouts in the Hakurk region of northern Iraq following intelligence that a large group of militants were moving towards Turkey, General Fahri Kir, the head of the internal security operations department, said.
Turkey refuses to talk to the PKK and says the rebels would either abandon their armed struggle or face the army.
Om detta är Turkiets inställning, vad är då problemet med Israels inställning till Hamas?
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