måndag 2 november 2015

Abbas förnekar Israels rätt att existera

När Mahmoud Abbas senaste vecka talade inför FN:s råd för mänskliga rättigheter i Geneve sa han att Israel ockuperat palestinskt land i 67 år, alltså sedan Israel blev självständig 1948. Uppfattningen att Israel är en ockupationsmakt som inte har någon rätt att existera förmedlas allmänt till den palestinska befolkningen genom media och i skolor men mera sällan till den utländska publiken.
Två gånger under sitt tal refererade Abbas till Israels snart 70-åriga historia.
Den andra gången sa han. "De heliga platserna som har skändats om och om igen varannan sekund i sju decennier nu, under en ockupation som inte upphör med att döda, tortera, plundra och fängsla..."
Abbas måste vara en av vår tids största lögnare inom politikerkåren. Åtminstone om man ser till hur öppet han ljuger. (Under arabernas 19 åriga ockupation av Jerusalem förstördes alla synagogor i gamla staden, sedan judarna erövrade Jerusalem 1967 blomstrar alla religioner i Jerusalem.)

Abbas: "How long will this protracted Israeli occupation of our land last? After 67 years (i.e., Israel's creation), how long?
Do you think it can last?"
Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas disclosed his opinion about Israel, speaking last week to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Abbas made it clear that he rejects Israel's right to exist in any borders as he denounced what he called the Israeli "occupation" of "67 years" - that is, since Israel's creation in 1948. The PA routinely teaches its children that it sees all of Israel as an "occupation" that will end some day, as Palestinian Media Watch has shown. It is rare that Abbas himself says this in an international forum. Abbas said: "How long will this protracted Israeli occupation of our land last?" - implying that he sees all of Israel as "an occupation" that rightfully should not "last."
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: "Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, haven't you wondered: For how long will this protracted Israeli occupation of our land last? After 67 years (i.e., Israel's creation), how long? Do you think it can last, and that it benefits the Palestinian people?"
[UN Human Rights Council in Geneva,
official PA TV, Oct. 28, 2015]
Click to view
Later on in the speech, Abbas repeated that he considers Israel an "occupation" since its creation. He also demonized Israel:

"[The] holy sites which have been desecrated every other second again and again for seven decades now, under an occupation that does not quit killing, torturing, looting and imprisoning..."

It should be noted that Abbas' first statement that he views Israel as an "occupation" since its creation "67 years" ago - did not appear in the transcript of his speech that the official PA news agency WAFA publicized in both English and Arabic. WAFA publicized Abbas' rejection of the "occupation," but the next sentence specifying "67 years... Do you think it can last?" did not appear in WAFA's transcript.

WAFA quoting Abbas' words:

"Ladies and gentlemen, haven't you wondered; for how long will this protracted Israeli occupation of our land last?" [WAFA (official PA news agency, English), Oct. 28, 2015]

Abbas' actual words:
"Ladies and gentlemen, haven't you wondered; for how long will this protracted Israeli occupation of our land last? After 67 years (i.e., since Israel's creation), until when? Do you think it can last? "

PA institutions and Abbas' Fatah movement support this vision, as PMW has documented numerous times.  
The PA National Security Forces regularly presents pictures of Israel as "Palestine" on its Facebook page. In the last week alone, the PA Security Forces presented Israeli cities Ashkelon, Haifa and Acre as "occupied":

 Text: "Good morning, the beach of occupied Ashkelon" 

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