tisdag 24 november 2015

Palestinierna firar årsdagen av mordet på fem rabbiner

Den palestinska nyhetsbyrån Wattan har publicerat en artikel för att hedra mördarna av fem rabbiner i Har Nof synagogan för ett år sedan.
Det här är vad Abbas och hans kumpaner åstadkommit under sin tid vid makten.

Terrorists who butchered 5 rabbis in synagogue and killed policeman"exemplified the meaning of heroism (PMW)

"Today is the first anniversary of the Martyrdom of... the heroes Ghassan and Uday Abu Jamal, who carried out the heroic Dir Yassin operation (i.e., Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem), which led to the death of 6 settlers... Ghassan and Uday Abu Jamal exemplified the meaning of heroism for the homeland... They set out to protect it from the defilement of the thieving occupation, and died as Martyrs on the path of honor. Today is the first anniversary of the epos written by the heroes."
[Wattan, Nov. 18, 2015]
Celebrating "the first anniversary" of the Har Nof synagogue massacre, the independent Palestinian news agency Wattan dedicated a full article to praising the two terrorists who with guns and butcher's knives slaughtered 5 Israeli worshippers, and killed a policeman last year. The article referred to the horrific killings as "the heroic operation" and an "epos written by the heroes."

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