EU:s tal inför FN:s generalförsamling visar att EU inte har något att bidra med i eventuella fredsförhandlingar. Krav ställs på Israel men aldrig direkt på de palestinska ledarna.
EU väljer också att strunta i internationella överenskommelser som många EU stater varit med om att underteckna som är till Israels fördel.
UN Watch skriver såhär:
With its capital Brussels under military lockdown over a maximum terror
alert -- and with its member state France conducting hundreds of police
raids on suspected Islamist sympathisers, bombing ISIS in what President
Hollande called a "merciless" war -- the European Union just took the
floor at the U.N. debate on "Palestine Day," where it warned of a "cycle
of violence," and declared its commitment to label Israeli products
produced over the green line, a policy it fails to apply to products
from 200 other disputed areas.
EU Statement – United Nations General Assembly: Question of Palestine
The European Union believes that the only way to resolve the conflict is
through an agreement that ends the occupation which began in 1967, that
ends all claims and that fulfils the aspirations of both parties. The
basis for this lasting solution can be found in the relevant UN Security
Council Resolutions, the Madrid principles including land for peace,
the Roadmap, the agreements previously reached by the parties and the
Arab Peace Initiative.
Om man inte tar i beaktande San Remo fördraget och stadgarna för Palestina mandatet drar man grunden undan alla försök att nå en rättvis fredsuppgörelse.
The preservation of the viability of the two-state solution is at the
core of EU policy and will remain a priority. Settlements are illegal
under international law and an obstacle to peace. We reiterate our
strong opposition to Israel's settlement policy and actions taken in
this context, such as building the separation barrier beyond the 1967
line, demolitions and confiscation - including of EU funded projects -
evictions, forced transfers including of Bedouins, illegal outposts,
settler violence and restrictions of movement and access. These actions
seriously threaten the two-state solution. Settlement activity in East
Jerusalem seriously jeopardizes the possibility of Jerusalem serving as
the future capital of both states.
Bosättningarna kan möjligen betraktas som olagliga endast om man likt EU väljer att glömma bort San Remo fördraget och stadgarna för Palestina mandatet.
Det finns i texten inget liknande fördömande av något palestinierna står för.
We welcome steps taken by Israel to ease restrictions in Gaza, including
the resumption of limited trade from Gaza to the West Bank for the
first time since 2007. However, further positive measures are now needed
that enable the full delivery of humanitarian aid, reconstruction and
economic recovery on a permanent basis. We continue to call for a
fundamental change of the political, security and economic situation in
the Gaza Strip, including the end of the closure and a full opening of
the crossing points, while addressing Israel's legitimate security
Samtidigt som man i Europa anser sig ha rätt att ha gränskontroller och vägspärrar på grund av en terrorattack och dessutom flygbomba mål tusentals kilometer från det egna territoriet vill man att Israel skall öppna gränserna till Gaza.
The EU has always supported intra-Palestinian reconciliation behind President Abbas.
Alla palestinska grupperingar skall ställa sig bakom diktatorn Abbas. EU kan åtminstone inte påstå att de eftersträvar demokrati. Det är mer än fem år sedan Abbas valperiod gick ut så han kan närmast beskrivas som diktator. Men alla skall ställa sig bakom honom enligt EU.
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