fredag 20 november 2015

Jonathan Pollard fri (åtminstone nästan)

Den märkliga historien om den israeliska spionen Jonathan Pollard har tagit en ny vändning. Han frigavs i dag villkorligt efter 30 år i fängelse i USA.
Men fortfarande får han strängare behandling än vad vanligtvis skulle vara fallet, politik och juridik blandas i hop.

Pollard released from US prison after thirty years behind bars  (Jersualem Post)
 “He has no classified information, so he should be able to talk to the press, go online and go to Israel, where he’s a citizen,” Dershowitz said. “It’s an abuse of the discretion that parole authorities have in a case like this. Frankly, I think part of the reason they don’t want him to go to Israel is that they don’t want him to be a hero there or influence Israeli politics with his conservative views. It’s a political decision, and with him, it’s been about politics all along.”

JPost Editorial: Bring Pollard to Israel 
"In July, the US Parole Commission, in a unanimous 3-0 decision, decided to grant Jonathan Pollard parole and announced that he would be released on November 20, 2015.

Today, after spending 30 years in prison for a crime that did not deserve such a harsh punishment, the 61-year-old Pollard will leave the federal prison in Butner, North Carolina, and take the first delicate steps toward continuing with his life. He will at last be able to celebrate this coming Shabbat outside prison walls..."

Analysis: Pollard’s tragedy of errors (Jerusalem Post)
Lite bakgrundsinformation från 2012:

Dags för frigivning av Jonathan Pollard?

Jonathan Pollard är en israelisk spion som suttit 28 år i fängelse i USA, han har en livstidsdom. Pollards spionage var inte riktat mot USA utan mot några arabstater.
USA har vägrat lindra hans dom eller benåda honom trots upprepade vädjanden från Israels sida.
Detta är ett unikt förfarande när det är fråga om en person från en allierad stat skriver Jerusalem Post i en ledare. Pollard är den enda spionen från en allierad stat som under USA:s historia fått en livstidsdom.
Spioner från Kina, Filippinerna, Grekland och Saudi-Arabien har fått en mildare behandling.
Ny information visar också att Pollards brott inte var så allvarligt som det har påståtts.
Jerusalem Post anser att det nu är dags för Obama att benåda Pollard.
CIA game changer
" The newly declassified 1987 CIA damage assessment bolsters official calls for the immediate release of Jonathan Pollard. While portions of the CIA document remain redacted, the disclosures officially confirm that Pollard spied for Israel, not against the United States.

Moreover, the document puts the lie to American allegations that have been used for over a quarter of a century to justify Pollard’s continued incarceration. For example, Pollard’s full cooperation with the prosecution was one of the welcome admissions in this document, as was the confirmation that the volume of information Pollard transferred to Israel was far less than claimed."

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