tisdag 10 november 2015

USA protesterar mot EU:s märkning av israeliska produkter

36 amerikanska senatorer och 36 kongressmän har sänt brev till EU:s utrikesminister Mogherini där de uppmanar EU att avstå från att märka israeliska produkter som kommer från området utanför Gröna linjen.
De skriver bland annat att åtgärden strider mot internationella handelsavtal, den är orättvis och försämrar förutsättningar att få till stånd fredsförhandlingar.

Det märkliga med denna bojkott, som det egentligen är fråga om, är att det är de palestinska arbetarna som uppgår till flera tusen som kommer att drabbas i fall bojkotten biter.

Comment: Europe’s settlement product labeling hurts Palestinians, not Israelis (Jerusalem Post)
 "...Saad Shaher, the head of the Palestinian professional association in the West Bank, publicly called on PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas in an emotional plea on Palestinian television to avoid causing the closing the West Bank industrial zones before a suitable alternative is found.

Shaher’s calls apparently fell on deaf ears. What is likely to happen is that if the current BDS campaign rolls forward and the EU product labeling generates BDS momentum as can be expected, tens of thousands of Palestinian workers and their families will lose their jobs and ensuing Palestinian anger and frustration will be directed at the PA in Ramallah."

72 American lawmakers urge EU to ax settlement labeling guidelines (Jerusalem Post)
 "As members of the United States Congress we are concerned that such measures will undermine decades-long American efforts to achieve a bilateral negotiated peace accord between Israel and the Palestinians," the letter read. 

"We would bring to your attention that the proposed policy may be understood as supportive of the BDS movement. As you know, the politically motivated BDS campaign against Israel unfairly singles out Israel for punitive treatment, undermines efforts to achieve a negotiated solution, and diminishes the hope for peace."

The letter added that such discrimination against Israel "is not merely unfair, but also violates core principles of international trade law." 

..."As allies, elected representatives of the American people, and strong supporters of Israel, we urge you not to implement this labeling policy, which appears intended to discourage Europeans from purchasing these products and promotes a de-facto boycott of Israel, a key ally and the only true democracy in the Middle East," the letter stated. 

The senators wrote that "at a time of significant instability in the region, it is deeply concerning to us that the EU is considering a proposal intended to impose more diplomatic and economic pressure on Israel."

Like the letter signed by the group of congressmen, the senators cited the relation to the BDS movement as a reason for the EU not to adopt the proposed guidelines.

"The proposed labeling guidelines play into the narrative of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction (BDS) movement, which is an effort to delegitimize Israel rather than promote a resolution of outstanding issues between Israel and the Palestinians."

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