Företrädare för militären och säkerhetstjänsten i Israel rekommenderar att Israel skall ge mera vapen till den palestinska säkerhetstjänsten, frige palestinska fångar som begått mindre brott och göra annat som kan förbättra förhållandena för den arabisk/palestinska befolkningen.
De politiska ledarna i Israel med premiärminister Netanyahu i spetsen anser att dessa åtgärder är omöjliga så länge den nuvarande terrorvågen pågår.Åtgärderna skulle kunna tolkas som belöning för terror.
På den palestinska sidan samarbetar säkerhetstjänsten med Israel och det rapporteras att palestinska säkerhetstjänsten lyckats förhindra närmare hundra terrorattacker de senaste månaderna.
Detta samtidigt som den politiska ledningen från Mahmoud Abbas och neråt har uppmanat till våldshandlingar och hedrat mördarna som dödat judar.
Minst sagt komplicerade relationer.
"... As Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon pointed out Wednesday at the launch
of the Amnon Lipkin Shahak Program on National Security and Democracy
at the Israel Democracy Institute, Israel must face the challenge of
confronting terrorism head on and not infringing on the lives of the
widespread Palestinian population.
“It’s a moral question, and you need to make decisions.
How do you let those who are not involved in terrorism, who want to live in cooperation with Israel, continue with their everyday lives, but also provide an answer to the individual terrorists, coming from the civilian population, with knives, car attacks, shooting attacks and everything else?” he asked.
His answer, which dovetails with the IDF recommendations, is to strive to allow both the Arab and Jewish civilians in Judea and Samaria to live their lives as freely as possible.
That requires cooperation with whoever can bring calm to the area, Palestinian security forces included.
Amid the anguish the country is experiencing, it is a glowing testament to our principles that our defense minister chose to speak about protecting our values and remaining humane in the face of inhumane acts against us."
“It’s a moral question, and you need to make decisions.
How do you let those who are not involved in terrorism, who want to live in cooperation with Israel, continue with their everyday lives, but also provide an answer to the individual terrorists, coming from the civilian population, with knives, car attacks, shooting attacks and everything else?” he asked.
His answer, which dovetails with the IDF recommendations, is to strive to allow both the Arab and Jewish civilians in Judea and Samaria to live their lives as freely as possible.
That requires cooperation with whoever can bring calm to the area, Palestinian security forces included.
Amid the anguish the country is experiencing, it is a glowing testament to our principles that our defense minister chose to speak about protecting our values and remaining humane in the face of inhumane acts against us."
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