fredag 13 november 2015

Dödlig terrorattack söder om Hebron

Ya'akov Litman och hans 18-åriga son Natanel sköts till döds i en terrorattack utanför Otniel söder om Hebron  idag på eftermiddagen. Åtminstone ytterligare en 16-årig pojke skadades i attacken och flera barn fördes till sjukhus för behandling av chock.
IDF söker igenom området för att om möjligt hitta de skyldiga till morden.
Hamas prisade attacken i ett uttalande (The Times of Israel):
“We welcome the brave action carried out by the resistance south of Hebron. It signifies a quality development in the ‘Al-Quds’ intifada and proves that the resistance can deter the occupation, which only understands the language of force.” 

Israeli father, son killed in southern West Bank shooting attack  (Jerusalem Post)
 "...When we arrived at the scene, we saw seven people outside of a van, two of whom, a man in his 40s and an 18-year-old youth, were lying unconscious with gunshot wounds to their upper bodies," said Noam Bar, an MDA paramedic. "They were showing no signs of life, and there was no other choice but to pronounce them dead at the scene."

Bar said that his team administered first aid to a 16-year-old boy who was lightly wounded after being shot in one of his extremities. He was rushed to Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheba for treatment. Four others were treated for shock."

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